How to develop your skill of intuition

Learn to trust again

Intuition is the part of you that guides you to trust your heart. Trusting your intuition may seem difficult at first, but the tips and tricks that we share with you will help you develop ways to connect to your power and wisdom and to take action when needed. This leads to living life with joy and confidence!
Do you want the key to Trusting your Intuition?

Introduction to Intuition

Connect to Your Soul Wisdom

This course is designed to assist you in opening yourself up to trusting your inner guides and wisdom. Understand how to awaken your intuition and how you can use it to guide you daily. By connecting to the energies around you, life will take on an extra element of flow and ease. Join Sandra in a workshop which will start you off on an exploratory journey towards your own source of strength and guidance while having fun.
Focus on what makes you happy

Your Intuition helps to guide you to the wisdom in you.

When we stay connected to the calm and peace within us the information from our wisdom will be given with ease and flow.

Can you relate to any of the following scenarios?

  • Intuitive Experience

    From out of nowhere you got a feeling to call someone you have not spoken to in a long time. When you did, you found out they had been thinking of you at the same time.

  • Experience Driving in a Car

    While driving something tells you to slow down and you narrowly miss hitting another person, a child or a small animal.

  • Intuitive Dreams

    Message from dreams: You wake from a dream that seemed very real and you remember the images clearly. You realize it was a premonition and the scenario starts to come true later in the day.

Infinite Possibilities begin when you...

are ready to open yourself to new possibilities

Learn to trust & Let yourself be guided

This workshop breaks down the process of identifying when, why and how you are receiving information from your intuition. This will teach you to trust in your own internal voice.

Workshop Benefits

  • This unique eye-opening course will assist you in creating a powerful connection with your intuition and the wisdom already within you. As your confidence increases, so will your peace of mind, knowing that the answers that you need will be sensed by you in your own unique way.


Senior Instructor

Sandra M Woods Poulin

Sandra M Woods Poulin as been a holistic practitioner for 20 years plus. As a Reiki Master, Meditation, Yoga, Breath work and Quantum Flow a leader and teacher and she brings her extensive training in holistic therapies in her life everyday. She has experienced the benefits of this approach in dealing with the transient nature of military life. Recently been teaching in high school, Oetigoapeniag Elnoei Family Serves and many communities such as Richibucto, Rogerville and Memaramcook NB. She has learned to be adaptable and be innovative when it comes to her own changing lifestyle. Sandra has been an educator and leader at Camp Borden Military Base for 6 years offering relaxation techniques to student from the age 5 to 8 year old and had fantastic result and has assisted many families to deal with constant changes in their lives. Sandra is a member of Toastmaster and is respected as a motivational speaker. She has earned the reputation of being knowledgeable and compassionate while assisting others to grow and enhance their potential. Sandra is dedicated to assisting others to simplify their life.


Jennifer Herridge

Wow! Le cours d’intuition est exactement ce dont j’avais besoin pour continuer. J’ai appris à vraiment écouter mon intuition et à m’ouvrir aux différents messages que je recevais ! Ce cours est pour tout le monde que cette formation pique tout simplement ta curiosité, si tu es une personne qui suit son intuition déjà ou si tu es pratiquante et que tu cherches à cheminer encore plus loin, ce cours est pour TOI ! J’ai réalisé que je suis beaucoup plus confiante à la suite de cette formation. Maintenant, je reconnais et j’écoute mon intuition ! Cette expérience est remarquable et te permet de cheminer comme personne…


Lise Senecal

A few weeks back, I took the Hearth Play Intuition workshop with the 2 Sandra's. I truly loved it. It made me realized that we all have this beautiful thing called Intuition. We just have to pay attention to it and have fun with it. Now that I am more attentive to it, I can’t wait to practice it more. I liked the length of the workshop, not too long, not too short. Also, just enough teaching points to assimilate what was taught. I loved the examples we received, it made me realized that I have more intuition than I taught. I recommend this workshop and I wish there will be more! Thanks to both Sandra’s for passing their passion to us. Lise Senécal Il y a quelques semaines, j’ai suivi l’atelier Hearth Play Intuition avec les 2 Sandra. J’ai vraiment adoré ! Cela m’a fait réaliser que nous avons tous cette belle chose appelée l’Intuition. Nous devons juste y prêter attention et nous amuser avec. Maintenant que j’y suis plus attentive, je pratique davantage. J’ai aimé la longueur de l’atelier, ni trop longue, ni trop courte. En outre, juste assez de points d’enseignement pour assimiler ce qui a été enseigné. J’ai adoré les exemples que nous avons reçus, cela m’a fait réaliser que j’ai plus d’intuition que je croyais. Je recommande cet atelier et je souhaite que nous en ayons plus! Merci aux deux Sandra de nous transmettre leur passion.


Gisele Richard

Heartfelt gratitude for all the support and guidance found in this group. Bringing us to self awareness and accept what is without jugement. Giving us permission to be original while being gentle with oneself. Thank you Sandra for the last meditation helping me to Be Home at Peace💜😇